Dear Rita,
Your kindness and friendship that you provided to my mother and myself over the last year will never be forgotten. Mother felt very safe and well cared for which was our main objective. However, we felt that you and your staff provided much more than good care.
From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for all of your attention and concern that you gave mother. I always knew that you enjoyed Mother and wanted only the best for her. She was a very special lady and I miss her terribly, but I know that she was ready to leave us. Like most things in her life, she did it her way and tried as best she could not to be a burden. She was so brave and patient, always kind and thoughtful. I would like to think that I could follow in her footsteps.
I feel blessed to have had you as a part of Mother’s last year of life. I know that she felt the same. I want to come by and have a visit with you and all of your wonderful staff. I hope that I can do this soon, but I am not ready yet. In the meantime, know that I think of you often and appreciate everything you have done for Mother and myself.